Carol Rose is a dedicated clinical Aromatherapy practitioner and advocate of complementary therapies for patients with life-limiting illness.

Adedicated practitioner and advocate of evidence-based complementary therapies for patients with life-limiting illness, Carol has devoted her career to providing holistic care and support to individuals faced with challenging health conditions. She has made it her mission to integrate these practices into conventional healthcare settings to enhance the well-being and quality of life of patients and their families.

Carol is also the author of the textbook, ‘Integrating Clinical Aromatherapy in Palliative Care’, which explores how to effectively bridge the gap between conventional healthcare and complementary therapy approaches.  Drawing on her extensive experience and expertise, she carefully considers the benefits, challenges and best practices to support safe integration of clinical aromatherapy as a healing modality in specialist palliative care. With support from Hospice New Zealand, a copy of Carol’s book has been donated to every hospice in the country.

She is a member of the International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy (IJCA) Editorial Advisory Board and a Fellow of the International Clinical Aromatherapy Network (ICAN).

Carol lives with her husband in the far north of New Zealand where she spends any spare time immersing herself in nature’s beauty by tending their 7-acre gardens.

Integrating Clinical Aromatherapy in Palliative Care
Book Endorsement

‘…What Carol Rose achieves in this remarkable text shortens the gap between research and practice, amply demonstrating the value of keeping the patient front and centre in every therapeutic intervention, all the while leaning on her clinical experience coupled with a robust evidence base. In doing so, she showcases true evidence-based practice, not only giving weight to epidemiological data but also providing emphasis on clinical judgement and the patient’s personal story. Carol bridges this research-to-practice gap with flexibility, presence, humility and complete patient focus to ensure the individual experience is seen and heard and that decisions about care are shared between the patient and the practitioner.
…I believe Integrating Clinical Aromatherapy in Palliative Care is the most authoritative text to date for the specialist aromatherapy world.’

Rhiannon Lewis
International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy (IJCA)
International Clinical Aromatherapy Network (ICAN)

‘This beautifully written book transcends symptom management in the clinical domain and it is grounded in an uncompromisingly holistic philosophy, evident in the inspiring case studies. This book will empower those experiencing cancer and terminal illness, as well as their families, loved ones and caregivers at all stages of their journey and beyond – but most importantly, Carol Rose’s words will touch your heart.’

Jennifer Rhind
Writer, Author and Essential Oils Consultant

‘This holistic, integrative resource needs to be read by every palliative care clinician. Truly inspiring.’

Jenny Coleman
RN, Cancer Support Nurse Specialist